Custom Manufacturing Solutions
This web page covers some innovative solutions I have built during my career. All of these solutions drove positive impacts on various manufacturing metrics while having a very low entry up front cost. All database solutions used either an SQL database or Microsoft Access. All coding for computer applications was done in either VB.NET or C#. The hardware solutions were done with either micro-controllers coded in C++ or done with electrical systems. Solutions use either one or multiple of the previously mentioned tools. All the solutions listed below were built from the ground up and only utilized minimal up front cost.
Fabrication Machine Utilization
During my work as a Fabrication Manufacturing Engineer, a company had 4 major manufacturing cells. Each cell had a variety of cutting and forming machines and were limited to specific constraints based on processes and raw material. The only way a part production plan could be created was through human decision, and considering the 1000s of part through put, this left cell cycle time out of alignment. I created a multi-variable analysis tool, based on part processing time, to maximize machine utilization and then suggest job/machine assignment. This could perfectly balance cycle time per fabrication cell. This software increased total job through put by about 15% while also decreasing deviation time between partial job completion from each fabrication area. The total cost was only labor and pre-existing data systems.
In a WIP area, between fabrication and assembly, multiple large carts were placed that were loaded with parts to be welded or fastened in the assembly area. During fabrication some parts would be damaged or missed, and therefore would cause assembly line stops when the cart was pulled into assembly. I designed and built a custom RFID reading system and applied RFID tags to all the carts. I then wrote a computer application to read the data from the hardware and show specific data depending on the status of the job. These reduced assembly downtime while also organizing the WIP area. In total, this project had a cost of $1000 and was based on existing information systems. There was about an 5% to 7% drop in "Hot Parts" related to missing parts on the assembly line.
System Synopsis: A micro controller is connected to a visual basic application on a computer that reads the data from the microcontroller. When an RFID tag is scanned the RFID number is looked up in an SQL database and related information is displayed for associates as well as information updated within the SQL database
Automatically placed WIP carts into locations
Told technicians of any missing parts during entry or exit
Emailed or texted notable employees if carts with missing parts were pulled to assembly/stored in WIP
Had large display for ease of use and reading
Designed into positive pressure box to protect electrical components
Custom PCB Creation
While designing and creating a variety of manufacturing support equipment, electrical components are a necessity. I have created custom PCB designs for multiple applications to interface with software for creation of custom work flows:
Voltage dividers for reading control lines
Light controlling designs for Andon light systems
Continuity checkers for switch signals
Air pressure sensors for confirming system checks
Multi-functioning circuits to handle full system tests
RFID control circuits
Radio frequency devices to send data from a point of use to a central hub to collect data from across a facility
Smart Stack Lights
At various companies I have developed an integrated stack lights system to handle data collection and signaling. One occasion integrated the lights with a VB.Net application and a database back end to allow signaling for staging personnel to know when parts were ready at other areas. The light would turn from green to red and the near by PC allowed the stagers to look up where the required parts were located. They they retrieved the components and signed off on them. This lowered parts being missed or not picked up in time before the staging cart was placed into WIP. I also have developed stack lights to be used for OEE calculations by tracking time up/down/idle for assembly stations. This metric is tracked and then can be used for production metrics. They are a wireless solution using RF between the transmitters (stack lights) and receiver (data collector). Please see my YouTube channel for a detailed explanation of all components. I have also used a voltage divider and this same concept to record fabrication machine status where applicable.
The two links below are links to the tutorial on how to set up a basic version of this system. It does not include specific details concerning this specific production area or how to send information to an SQL database.
Custom MES Systems
I have created various software based work instructions and standard operating procedures. These typically serve various functions, including but not limited to the line items below:
Visual representation of activity (Picture)
Written text describing the activity
Auto-generated notes concerning defective parts/processes
Includes both internal and external customers​
Comments that can be relayed to WI owner from end user​
Has reference files/links to relative pictures and files
Can launch specific programs for testing/production
Track specific users and time stamp process events
Allow for integrated forms for production process
Manufacturing Support Equipment
I have designed various manufacturing support equipment which includes the following and other basic items not mentioned
Pneumatic roller lift system to move large assemblies off welding table
Jigs for part placement, both additive and subtractive
General facility equipment (tables, racks, carts, stations)
Electronic cases for embedded systems
Shadow boards and other lean stations
Physical testing fixtures
Strength, Force, Pneumatic, Electrical​
Custom lifting equipment​
Electrical test equipment